Age & Dementia Friendly Connections coordinator Carrie Johnson, presented at the Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce free community…
Guide to Exercise and Physical Activity
Physical activity is an important part of healthy aging, for your brain and body. There are many ways…
Medicare Savings Program Changes (2024)
MassHealth has updated its eligibility guidelines for the Medicare Savings Program (MSP). Previously, there was an asset limit…
Caregiver Meditation & Relaxation Session
Caregiver Meditation & Relaxation Session Thursday, January 11, 2024, 11am-12pm Zen Center North Shore 72 Grapevine Rd, Wenham,…
Matter of Balance Workshop (Jan-Mar 2024)
SeniorCare, in conjunction with the Healthy Living Center of Excellence and the Beverly Council on Aging, presents “A…
AARP Looks at Walking Habits of Adults Age 50 and Older
Whether it is walking a pet, brisk walking for exercise, or hiking, 87% of adults aged 50 and…