Age & Dementia Friendly
Working to assure people of all ages and abilities can access, enjoy, and contribute to all aspects of their community.
Providing collaborative support to Age & Dementia Friendly initiatives in Beverly, Essex, Gloucester, Hamilton, Ipswich, Manchester-By-The-Sea, Rockport, Topsfield, and Wenham.
Age & Dementia Friendly Connections
Community leaders discuss the importance of this initiative
Thank you to 1623 Studios for producing this video in 2019.
(click image below to run video)
News & Events
Documentary About Lewy Body Dementia
Facing the Wind is a love story about people with Lewy body dementia, the spouses who care for them,…
10 Warning Signs of Dementia
On December 6, 2024, SeniorCare’s Age & Dementia Friendly Connections, in collaboration with the Rockport Council on Aging,…
Fun at The Cabot Matinee
Fun was had by all at The Cabot today at SeniorCare’s bi-monthly free movie matinee. People of all…
Dementia Panel Discussion
Age & Dementia Friendly Connections coordinator Carrie Johnson, presented at the Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce free community…
Special Acknowledgement

Support for the Age & Dementia Friendly Connections initiative
was provided in part by a grant from Point32Health Foundation
(formerly Tufts Health Plan Foundation).
Point32Health Foundation