Age & Dementia Friendly
Cape Ann
Working to assure that people of all ages and abilities can access, enjoy, and contribute to all aspects of their community.
Why Age & Dementia Friendly Cape Ann?
According to the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative, over 32% of Cape Ann residents are age 60 or older. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by 2030, 40% of residents of Cape Ann will be age 60+ and in Rockport, almost half. The time for planning how the communities of Cape Ann can make adjustments in order to best accommodate these demographic shifts is now. This will be a permanent demographic change and impacts residents both today and in the future.
Age & Dementia Friendly Cape Ann
Cape Ann community leaders discuss the importance of this initiative
Thank you to 1623 Studios for producing this video.
(click image below to run video)
ADFCA News & Events
Medicare Savings Program Changes (2024)
Upcoming Caregiver Events (Feb-Mar 2024)
Caregiver Meditation & Relaxation Session
Savvy Caregiver Workshop (Jan-Feb 2024)
Special Acknowledgement
Support for the Age & Dementia Friendly Cape Ann initiative
was provided in part by a grant from Point32Health Foundation
(formerly Tufts Health Plan Foundation).
Point32Health Foundation