Organizational Roles

SeniorCare Inc. is the convener of Age & Dementia Friendly Cape Ann (ADFCA), working to unite a broad coalition of stakeholders within the four Cape Ann communities of Gloucester, Rockport, Essex, and Manchester-by-the-Sea to better meet the needs of residents of all ages.

Backbone Organization: SeniorCare Inc.

  • Provides dedicated staff
  • Fosters communication and collaboration
  • Works with stakeholders to set the initiative’s agenda

Steering Committee

  • Features regional representation across the ADFCA 10 Areas of Focus
  • Identifies goals and priorities
  • Provides strategic direction toward the desired regional agenda
  • Champions ADFCA within communities, organizations, informal and formal groups

ADFCA Action Teams

  • Formed around specific elements of the Action Plan
  • Collect, share and learn from specific data
  • Initiates projects based on Action Plan priorities, implements a share of the work to achieve goals
  • Champion ADFCA within communities, organizations, informal and formal groups