Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May 31, 2021

May is Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month and Older Americans Month. This month presents the opportunity to both celebrate AAPI older adults as well as ensure we are meeting their needs during a very challenging time and an increase in anti-Asian hate crimes, some targeted toward older adults. Justice in Aging, the National Center on Law & Elder Rights, and others compiled this list of helpful resources for advocates to use in outreach to better serve AAPI clients.

Photographer Andria Lo and writer Valerie Luu are working on a project, called Chinatown Pretty, to document the vibrant style of older adults in Chinatowns located across the US and Canada. In their series they photograph the color and style and capture the stories of older adults as they move through Chinatown neighborhoods. “The clothes serve as a gateway to their life histories,” Luu says. The photographs and accompanying stories are a glimpse into these older adults’ joys, challenges, pasts, and current lives. Learn more about the project here.